Page 11 - current edition XXX
P. 11

Editoriale del sindaco di New York Eric Adams Community:       AVE MARIA                ITALY'S LONGO BORGHINI WINS WOMEN'S
             Proteggere i newyorkesi dalle batterie non sicure                                                     GIRO D'ITALIA
          NYC Mayor Eric Adams Community Op Ed: Pro-                 Ave, o Maria, piena di            Italy's Elisa Longo   to win the race after Maria Canins
            tecting New Yorkers from Unsafe Batteries                  il Signore è con te;     Borghini won the 2024 Women's   (1988), Roberta Bonanomi (1989),
                                                                                                                             Michela Fanini (1994) and Fabi-
                                                                                                Giro d'Italia on Sunday, beating
           New York is the safest big city in   to install public battery charging   tu sei benedetta fra le   Belgium's Lotte Kopecky into   ana Luperini (1995-1998, 2008).
        America, and we are working hard   stations on our city’s sidewalks.   donne,           second place by 20 seconds.          Sunday's eighth and
        every day to keep New Yorkers   These stations will allow for safe   e benedetto è il frutto del          The 32-year-old Lidl-  final stage between Pescara and
        safe from all kinds of dangers —   battery charging and swapping,   tuo seno, Gesù.     Trek team rider, who had worn   L'Aquila was won by South
        including those posed by lithium-  increasing compliance with safety   Santa Maria,     the pink leader's jersey since the   Africa's Kim Le Court Pienaar in a
        ion battery fires.           regulations, and protecting the   Madre di Dio, prega per   first day, becomes the fifth Italian   sprint finish.
           While the rise of battery-pow-  lives of New Yorkers.         noi peccatori,
        ered mobility devices has had      These charging stations will   adesso e nell'ora
        many positive effects, too many   provide an alternative to risky   della nostra morte.
        of these devices contain uncerti-  charging sites that block exits, and
        fied lithium-ion batteries that do   every one of them will be thor-  Amen.
        not meet safety standards. Many   oughly inspected and approved
        people are storing these faulty bat-  by the FDNY, the Department of   A PRAYER TO THE
        teries in their homes and in some   Transportation, and the Depart-  BLESSED VIRGIN
        cases, businesses are charging hun-  ment of Buildings.        (Never Found to Fail)
                                                                          O Most beautiful
        dreds of batteries at once, leading      The Department of Transpor-  flower of Mount Carmel,
        to explosions, fires, and death.   tation will also be launching   Fruitful Vine, Splendor
           Since 2019, these batteries have   America’s first municipal trade-in   of Heaven, blessed
        started more than 700 fires, killing   pilot program, which will help get   Mother of the Son
        29 of our fellow New Yorkers,   unsafe e-bikes, e-scooters, and   of God, Immaculate
        injuring nearly 450 more, and   batteries off our streets and replace   Virgin, assist me in this
        causing tens of millions of dollars   them with certified, high-quality   necessity.
        in damage. In addition, these fires   devices and batteries.       O Star of the Sea, help
        are increasing the risks faced by      In addition, we are working to   me and show me herein   RICETTA POLLO CAPRESE AL FORNO
        our brave FDNY members, who   create the Department of Sustain-  you are my Mother.
        often have to battle dangerous   able Delivery, a first-in-the-nation         O Holy Mary, Mother   - BAKED CAPRESE CHICKEN RECIPE
        conditions and toxic gases when   entity which will regulate new   of God, Queen of Heaven                INGREDIENTI
        they respond to these fires.   forms of delivery transit and en-  and Earth, I humbly
           Unsafe lithium-ion batteries   sure their safety.          beseech thee from the          4 petti di pollo senza pelle senza ossa, dimezzati;
        are a clear and present danger to      Finally, we are continuing our   bottom of my heart, to          2 cucchiai di olio d’oliva;
        our city, and our administration   public awareness campaign to   help me in this necessity;      3/4 di cucchiaino di basilico, essiccato;
        is doing everything we can to ad-  inform New Yorkers about the   there are none that can   3/4teaspoon foglie di origano, essiccate; sale e pepe; 1/3
                                                                     withstand your power.
        dress this crisis. Working with the   dangers of unsafe batteries by       O show me herein you   tazza di cipolla rossa, tagliata a dadini;
        FDNY and Commissioner Laura   investing an additional $1 million   are my Mother.                    1/3 di tazza di aceto balsamico;
        Kavanagh, we have supercharged   in the FDNY’s public education       O Mary conceived           2 cucchiaini di zucchero di canna chiaro;
        our safety efforts, stepping up en-  campaign. We must underscore   without sin, pray for us   1 allocchio d’amore; 2 pomodori, tagliati a fette sottili;
        forcement against high-risk charg-  the danger posed by these devices,   who have recourse to    8 oz di mozzarella fresca palla, affettata
        ing "hot spots" and banning the   even if they are just being stored   thee.
        sale of uncertified e-vehicles and   improperly. We need all New       Sweet Mother, I place               INGREDIENTS
        refurbished batteries. Governor   Yorkers to know that uncertified   this couse in your hands.    4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, halved;
        Hochul has been a great partner as   means unsafe, no matter what.   (3 Times.)              2 tablespoons olive oil; ¾ teaspoon basil, dried;
        well, signing key legislation that      Approximately 59 percent of last                            ¾teaspoon oregano leaves, dried;
        will protect New Yorkers from the   year’s fires started without these   Padre Nostro            salt and pepper; ⅓ cup red onion, diced;
        dangers of unsafe batteries.  faulty batteries even being plugged   Padre Nostro, che sei               ⅓ cup balsamic vinegar;
           The result? A significant drop in   in — every New Yorker should be   nei cieli, Sia       2 teaspoons light brown sugar; 1 clove garlic;
        lithium-ion battery related deaths   aware of this danger. Just as you   santificato                    2 tomatoes, thinly sliced;
        this year. In 2023, there were 18   wouldn’t store gasoline in your   il tuo nome.                  8 oz fresh mozzarella balls, sliced
        deaths related to lithium-ion bat-  home or bedroom, no one should   Venga il tuo regno,
        tery fires; this year, there has been   be keeping these devices in their   Sia fatta la tua             PREPARAZIONE
        only one so far — still one too   living spaces, either.             volontà                Preriscaldare il forno a 350 gradi F. Condire il pollo su
        many, but an important step in the      E-bikes and e-scooters are here   Come in cielo      entrambi i lati con olio, basilico, origano, sale e pepe.
        right direction and proof that our   to stay, and there are clear benefits                Scaldare 2 cucchiaini di olio d’oliva in una padella grande
        education and prevention efforts   to using these low-cost, low-car-  così in terra.       a prova di forno a fuoco medio-alto. Aggiungere il pollo
        are working.                 bon forms of micromobility. But   Dacci oggi il nostro         e friggere per 2 minuti su ciascun lato fino a doratura.
           Now, we are taking another leap   these benefits must go hand-in-  pane quotidiano,     Rimuovere a piastra. Mescolare insieme la cipolla rossa
        forward with the launch of the   hand with updated safety efforts   e rimetti a noi i
        New York City Safe Charging Ac-  and aggressive enforcement.   nostri debiti, Come noi li   tagliata a dadini, l’aglio, l’aceto balsamico e lo zucchero
        celerator, a ground breaking new   Working together, we will ensure   rimettiamo            di canna. Versare il composto nella padella e cuocere a
        effort to help make safe charging   New York City is again leading   ai nostri debitori,   fuoco lento, mescolando, da 2 a 3 minuti. Riportare il pollo
        accessible to all New Yorkers.   the way and getting battery safety   e non ci             in padella alla salsa al cucchiaio sopra il pollo. Mettere la
           We’re going to make it easier —   done right as we protect New   indurre in             padella in forno e arrostire fino a quando il pollo è cotto
        and faster — for property owners   Yorkers’ lives.                 tentazione,              (165 gradi F), che è di circa 10-20 minuti a seconda di
                                                                      Ma liberaci dal male.       quanto sono spessi i seni. Togliere dal forno. Girare il forno
                 CICLISMO: TRICOLORI MTB,                                    Amen.                   per cuocere. Completare ogni pollo con una fetta di
                                                                                                     mozzarella fresca. Cuocere per 2 o 3 minuti, o fino a
          RICONFERMA PER BERTA E BRAIDOT                            Visitate la Casa-Museo di     quando il formaggio non si è sciolto completamente; quindi

               Martina Berta e Luca   cerchi che li attende a Parigi.     Joe Petrosino            servire immediatamente, condito con pomodori freschi a
        Braidot si riconfermano detentori          Berta precede la bel-  a Padula (Sa) Italy      fette e basilico e cucchiaiando la salsa in padella sopra la
        titolo tricolore al Campionato   lunese Giada Specia e l'altoatesina                                         parte superiore.
        italiano assoluto Mtb di Pergine   Greta Seiwald.                                                         PREPARATION
        Valsugana (Trento), assegnato        Al maschile Braidot                                  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Season chicken on both
        nella cornice del Parco Tre Cast-  chiude davanti al collega-olim-
        agni.                        pico Simone Avondetto e a Juri                                sides with oil, basil, oregano, salt and pepper. Heat 2
               Per i due bikers si tratta   Zanotti.                                               teaspoons olive oil in a large oven-proof skillet over
        di una riconferma importante in   (continua a pagina 12)                                     medium-high heat. Add the chicken and fry for 2
        vista dell'appuntamento a cinque                                                           minutes on each side until golden. Remove to plate.
                                                                                                    Mix together the diced red onion, garlic, balsamic
                                                                                                   vinegar and brown sugar. Pour the mixture into the
                                                                                                     pan and simmer, stirring, 2 to 3 minutes. Return
                                                                                                   chicken to pan to spoon sauce over the chicken. Place
                                                                                                     pan in oven and roast until the chicken is cooked
                                                                                                     through (165 degrees F), which is about 10 to 20
                                                                                                     minutes depending on how thick the breasts are.
                                                                    Autostrada del Mediterraneo      Remove from oven. Turn oven to broil. Top each
                                                                     uscita Padula, con la guida   chicken with a slice of fresh mozzarella cheese. Broil
                                                                     straordinaria del pronipote     for 2 to 3 minutes, or until the cheese has melted
                  313 Main St, Huntington, NY 11743 (631) 425-7694   di Joe, Nino Melito Petrosi-  completely; then serve immediately, topped with fresh
                   55-26 69th St, Maspeth, NY 11378 (718) 446-5910   no, custode della memoria.    sliced tomatoes and basil and spooning the pan sauce
                 62-65 Fresh Pond Rd, Ridgewood, 11385 (718) 497-7672  (Unica in Italia dedicata ad
             75-59 Metropolitan Ave Middle Village, NY 11379 (718) 894-4707                                           over the top.
                  31-01 21st Street, Astoria, NY 11106 (718) 726-1296  un esponente delle Forze
                 374 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, 11211  (718) 963-2378   dell’Ordine aperto tutti i
         Bay Terrace Shopping Center 212-49 26th Ave, Bayside, NY 11360 347-502-7061  giorni dell’anno ore 10 - 20)  Buon Appetito

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